
A real salesman never gives up

Not even when the customer is dead.

Evidently America Online has plenty of real salesmen.

US "Intelligence"

Since the war on terror and war on Iraq, there have probably been countless jokes made about US Intelligence, and for good reason.

However, lately various US Intelligence agencies announced a need for arabic-speaking people. Pressumably they want to be able to do better quality checking or something.

Too bad they wont hire anyone unless they have learned arabic by accident.

Yes, you read that right. If you have actually lived anywhere near the middle east or have an arab background or family ties, you are a security risk and can't be hired.

Major show of intelligence indeed.

Amusing couple

Ok. So this is my first real post of any kind.

In most relationships the boyfriend is usually taller than the girl. Or at least they are about the same height.

Ofcourse for anything normal there's always exceptions. Like in this extreme case.

Click and watch. It's fun, I tell you!

About the blog

In this blog, I will try to post mostly technical material. The old stuff is all here too, so you might find random rants and postings, but from now on all new posts will be technical.

For those less interested in my professional life, I post all the silly posts at

Misc stuff