
The most expensive beer you'll ever buy

Right. Yesterday I was out, getting drunk using Microsoft's money. However that open bar had to close sometime, and when this happened me & some colleagues decided to go to some other bar.

So we were drinking, having fun and generally enjoying ourselves, until I was supposed to pay for a couple of beers. Having no cash handy, I decided to pay using my VISA. The barmaid handed me back the reciept, and looked at me with a facial expression saying "we have a problem".

So. Was my VISA refused? No way. I just got my damn paycheck. So just what was the problem?

She was nice enough to inform me I had just paid 5800 NOK for two beers. Those were supposed to cost me 58 NOK. And since 1 USD more or less equals 6.5 NOK, I just paid near 1000 USD for two beers.

I repeat one thousand dollars. For two beers. Yup. Notmyfaultatallformisopeartingthevisamachine. No siree.

In the end things got sorted out, and I'm waiting for them to transfer the money back to my account. However, I do think I've bought the most expensive beer anyone I know have ever bought.

So... In short: Having money on your bank account can be expensive.



PWND!!! :P


Du gjordet det bare for å imponere Charlotte du!!!!



Buy me a beer of that too, some day eh?

(Hope it tasted good, too)



hva er det jostein???

hvar det 2000tusen for ølla eller 5800???????????

lol uheldig:haha

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