
"That is NOT a PC!"

This is a rather new "old" classic from norwegian TV. At least within geek environments. Basicly it's a norwegian take on the american show "The beauty and the geek".

It features a tyical blonde and self-centered girl getting the task of changing the CPU in a computer. As expected, she fails miserably. She's basicly telling her partner off for being uncooperative since she fails to understand even basic concepts, when her partner tries to explain it to her. It's pretty much a hilarious clip. At least for geeks.

Someone evidently thought it was so good that they bothered to subtitle it for an international audience. Youtibeism here.


Illegal prime numbers

Yup. Illegal prime numbers. Evidently they do exist.

Today, I'll publish a number on this site, and in the process I may have commited a crime according to US law. No, really!

So, how can a number be illegal? Fear not, Wikipedia comes to the rescue. In short: because of a US law called "Digital Millenium Copyright Act".

It's basicly the same law that says if Apple tries to restrict you from playing music bought from iTunes on anything else than iPods, and you find a way around it, you can be sent to prison. I'm not kidding. All praise the land of the free!


My first greenlit submission on Fark!

Not that I've really submitted much, but this one made it trough. And ofcourse I simpy had to sneak in a typo or two. Oh crap. Who cares?

Ofcourse, unless you are a TotalFarker it wont be publicly available just yet, but when it does, you can find it here. Just flexing my fark muscle, I wont hand out the link or story here. Hah!

Gah! Bugs!

It was brought to my attention that there were Javascript errors on the page, and that may have caused a few issues.

The issue at hand seems to be that the blog ring thing, which is based on an external Javascript file, for some odd reason is down and that code referencing it failed.

This may have led to other undesirable effects, like being unable to post comments. Sorry about that!

The blog ring code has been disabled until this is sorted out, but apart from that things should work as usual.

C# 3.0

Unless you are working with the .NET Framwork and C# development, that headline probably makes no sense to you, and you should just avoid further reading right away.

If you however happen to be a C# developer, the new language features of C# 3.0, might be of interest to you. Currently there are numerous extensions to the current version of the language.

I'm not 100% happy about every single one of these changes, but the worst case scenario is that I simply choose to ignore them, and don't employ them in my code.

Anyway, has a lengthy article about the new features of C# 3.0 and practical examples of what the code will look like. A interesting read.


Evil Beaver!

Last night I was at Garage, Oslo on a concert after getting tipped by a friend. Band in question was Evil Beaver, a 2-person gig featuring bass, drums and vocals and that's it.

The lineup concists of Evil Beaver herself doing the vocals and bass, and the drummer, Gene Trautman (aka Jonny Beaver), mostly known for being Queens of the stone age's replacement drummer back in the year 2000.

Evil Beaver Jonny Beaver

Seeing as how the concert I was at last year with Afrirampo, which also happens to be a 2-person gig, simply was awesome, I figured this concert could be pretty good too. These kinds of bands usually has tons of energy, seeing as this is more or less the only way things can possibly "work".


George W. Bush's State of the union speech. Edited for clarity.

It seems that the only thing George Bush does these days is spread fear domestically and attempting to do so on a global scale when he has some time off.

Basicly anything George Bush says or does these days can be boiled down to the "war on terror" thingie he has going. I'm sure it's a great way to distract people's attention from things that needs fixing at home.

Anyway, some clever guy edited George Bush's speech and basicly removed every damn word that wasn't terror-related. The result is still a pretty long speech.

Amusing or frightening? You decide.

Microsoft .NET and that damn security

With the introduction of .NET 2.0 Microsoft introduced quite a few neat security related features, giving you the ability to micromanage security at code- & assembly-level using something called Code Access Security.

In short it allows you to restrict the access the code is given to the system, independent of how priviledged the actual user running the code is.

It also allows to define what rights can be granted based on the origin of the code. Now this makes sense. Random code run directly from the Internet can make sense, as long as access is severely restricted, while applications installed and run locally probably will need more access and can be trusted access to more parts of the system.


Watching japanese stuff without subtitles rules

Well... Not really. Not most of the time. At least not when your japanese skills are still pretty insufficient, to put it lightly.

Most of the japanese shows I watch are indeed subtitled, for me to have a change to grok anything at all.

However, for some actors I am willing to make exceptions, and thus I decided to check out Sentou no musume, a 45 episode japanese drama wich never gained enough popularity among western fans for anyone to bother subbing it. Rather ambitious, I must admit.


Google music server?

Apparantly if you have a Gmail-account, you can now use it to stream music. I'm not kidding.

If you mail yourself some MP3s, you evidently get the google-video flash-based player to stream the music to you live. Seems nifty.

About the blog

In this blog, I will try to post mostly technical material. The old stuff is all here too, so you might find random rants and postings, but from now on all new posts will be technical.

For those less interested in my professional life, I post all the silly posts at

Misc stuff