
Japanese abuse

Today I mailed my first ever japanese abuse email. Some japanese site had their nameserver compromised, and tried to compromise my server. Me not like.

After checking out the site in question a little more thoroughly I discovered that the admin in place was actually fully aware of this, and were working on fixing his setup.

He even admitted that this was absolutely inexecueable, but there were no mentioning of hounourable suicide nor harakiri. Oh well. At least that means someone will recieve and read the email I wrote in my best, mangled japanese.

The great Instant-noodle showdown

Food, Me

I eat lots of instant-noodles. Not just because they are dirt cheap, but I happen to like this kind of food.

The few last weeks I've gone trough a huge variety of instant noodles, and I'm standing here in front of you, at my acclaimed internet site, to present you the results of my findings.

Below are the noodles tested in the order they were eaten.

Ninja Noodles

Ninja Noodles

These are not the noodles you are looking for. No really, you are not looking for these noodles.

First impression:

Amusing name, amusing packeging. Unlike any reputable noodles ever known to man.

Actual impression:


Today's amusing video

It's probably 110% fake, but who cares? It's awesome! Oh, the video? A rocket-engine made from water bottles.

It's a lot more amusing than it sounds. Go watch already.

Useless invention of the day: Handwashing reminder

The company "Kimberly-Clark" produces different kind of hygene-related articles, which can generally be reffered to as "good".

However... They made this thing, which honestly is the most useless thing I've ever seen. Seriously.

Took me some time to figure out what it actually does, but what it does is evidently this: At regular intervals remind people to wash their hands with a friendly male & female voice, in spanish or english. Come again? It reminds people to wash their hands. In a friendly voice.

I'm simply speechless. Good thing this box can talk, eh?

"TV Will Be Less Gay Next Season"

This in an actual headline. Too bad it doesn't mean what we hope it does.

Read the full disappointment over at IMDB.

Because someone had to do it: USB BBQ

The japanese, the kings of tech and weird stuff, sometimes even combined, have hacked together a USB powered BBQ. No, I'm not kidding.

As you can see here it ain't really that practical nor mobile, but it's the thought that counts. And I like BBQs!

Here's waiting for USB1500, and I'm reffering to Watts not megabits!

Caesar invading my park...

For those who didn't know this, the studios where Hotel Caesar is shot ain't too far away from where I live.

Hotel Caesar is the longest running, and probably the crappiest norwegian soap produced to date. Complete with second rate acting that leaves a permenant scar on your soul. No person with actual taste can refute this.

Anyway, today the weather was fine and I thought about going to the park and relax after I was done at work. It sounded good, like a plan.

And when I get off at the bus-stop just what do I see? Hotel Caesar invading my park.

The Caesar team-branded cars


AOL aftermath, part 2

This is more boasting than anything else, but I DLed the AOL-logs myself, imported the data into my database, and tried a few queries.

After importing data, adding a few indexes (which took a long time to generate) most queries completed within seconds. That is, full text search as you can search with google, on a 40 million row table. Within seconds.

I like my database. I like Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

However, I just had to run the killer query of all killer queries. I intend to invetigate this DB further, but in the meantime, please check out my nice stats (and the top 100 searches) here.


AOL aftermath

The leak of the AOL search-logs have been all over the web. Not only is the logs all over the webs, but all sorts of amusing analyses too.

What is probably most interesting is that it reveals just how AOL users interface with a search engine. You'd think that people use search engines to search for stuff. Not so. As you can see from the linked article, some people chat up with the search engine, while another one threatens it. Some asks God why he isn't answering them. In a search engine.

These logs are gold and I applaud AOL for leaking them, even though it probably wasn't intentional.


Todays video trifecta final

Todays final video presents you with what can probably be best described as "whacky japanese stuff". Or just how to have fun with naked people, awesome fun.

Clickety. Again: Thanks to Eelco!

About the blog

In this blog, I will try to post mostly technical material. The old stuff is all here too, so you might find random rants and postings, but from now on all new posts will be technical.

For those less interested in my professional life, I post all the silly posts at

Misc stuff