
A great display of stupidity: Sniffing wasabi

Wasabi, for those who don't know it, is that extremely spicy green goo you get with sushi, and just eating it makes your nose-canal tickle.

Some moron decided that sniffing this stuff seemed like a good idea, and thanks to the wonders of modern technology we can all witness this great display of stupidity.

Video here.

Thanks to Eelco for handing me this one!

Cheaters number 1 tool to groking japanese

All Firefox users know the awesomeness of extensions. All people learning japanese know the pain of looking up a dozen kanjis to read a simple sentence.

Considering this, you would think someone had the bright idea of using this awesomeness to make a fix for this more than subtle pain. And you would be right.

I've been using this extension for months and I can't give it enough praise. For some reason I've evidently forgotten to make a mention of it here, but I guess I just forgot. That is, until a IM session this evening reminded me of it.


Fun with cats and tape

Here's a nice little video featuring what I'd like to call the cat-version of Monthy Python's "Ministry of silly walks". Pretty amusing.

Right here.

"May I help you?"

This is pretty much a common courtesy phrase when you are working in the service industry, like in phone directory business. Some people evidently need help, and I mean real help, not just a phone number.

"Obsessive" is probably not a good enough word to describe what this person did: He made 37.760 phonecalls, up to 900 a day, to a couple of japanese phone directory services to hear the voices of women.


And yeah, he got arrested.

Party like its 1996 - Part 2

So... I found this awesome website. Looks crappier than most and is definitely competing with MySpace for a "ugliest website ever award".

Not that this is too unusual, but this site is from 2006, and not 1996 despite it looks, genuine Michael Jackson midi music and the obligatory marquee-text.

The best part? It's alledgedly a freakin' webdesign company! Obviously they must be pretty skilled, after all they make these wild claims:

"We offer extremely good rates and have a track record of building websites and putting adsense on them and making clients as much as $40-50 a MONTH!! We have the screenshots to prove it."





メールは日本語が書いてやる。怖がらないよね (^_^)



Why I like BitTorrent & don't mind going "Garrr!"

A little about BitTorrent

For those who don't know BitTorrent or what it happen to be, it is a P2P protocol used to download stuff from the internet.

The good thing about BitTorrent is that users upload what they download, while downloading. That way you get to share the bandwidth load, and releasing anything on the internet can in theory be done by uploading the file just once. As a bandwidth load distribution system it is a very neat concept and works exceptionally well.


A little bit of health, a little bit of fun


Yesterday I was out at a friend's place. He lives in a cabin down by the seaside on Nesodden, right outside Oslo. In fact, he lives right here, in the middle of that spot. If you zoom out, you should be able to get a better view of things. Nice place.

View from the cabin

Here's a photo of the view from the cabin.

To get there, you have to walk down the side of the mountain. It's a pretty long walk. Once there, you can forget about things like nearby stores or nearby anything. You're pretty much outside the rest of the world.

Oslo is far away


Second quote of the day

Right. I already had a quote of the day, but this one caught me of guard, and I simply need to post it.

Behold Ka-bar of Undernet #linux:

"I believe in these difficult and mean-spirited times in which we live there needs to be a message of hope. Just a single image that speaks to us of love, harmony, peace and joy. An image that suggests the universal brotherhood of man. I have found that image, and I ask that all of you take a moment to be inspired by it..."

Then he linked this image:

There is hope

Yup. There is hope.

Quote of the day

"Filesharing is killing the music industry. The music industry is killing music. Feel free to share." (Source unknown)

That's all. I just happened to like that quote.

About the blog

In this blog, I will try to post mostly technical material. The old stuff is all here too, so you might find random rants and postings, but from now on all new posts will be technical.

For those less interested in my professional life, I post all the silly posts at

Misc stuff